Global Resilience Federation Welcomes KPMG Global CISO Brian Geffert to its Board

Herndon, VA USA – August 16, 2022 - Brian Geffert, Global Chief Information Security Officer, KPMG International, was unanimously confirmed to the Global Resilience Federation (GRF) Board of Directors. Geffert joins the board as the representative for the sharing community Professional Services Information Exchange (ProSIX).

“I’m pleased to join this group of cybersecurity leaders and bring my IT governance and threat information sharing experience to the table,” said Geffert. “Global Resilience Federation has created a multi-sector space for the exchange of intelligence and best practices against cross-sector and systemic threats. Professional services, particularly since the rise of COVID-19, has been targeted for the data and IP it holds on behalf of clients, and the warning and mitigation advice provided by groups like ProSIX are a vital force multiplier in cybersecurity.”

Geffert joins the board alongside leaders representing threat information sharing bodies working in operational technology, utilities, legal services, oil and gas, healthcare, retail, and downstream natural gas. ProSIX offers accounting, consulting and other firms a secure means by which to share warning, indicators of compromise, system vulnerabilities and mitigation techniques, for mutual defense. Along with its peer communities in the GRF network, ProSIX can send and receive warning of pervasive, persistent or systemic threats to uplift the cybersecurity of industry as a whole.

“Brian brings a wealth of security knowledge from the lens of a global, multi-disciplinary organization,” said GRF President and CEO Mark Orsi. “He is an ideal champion to help advise ProSIX through its domestic and international growth linking professional services firms to defend against cyber threat actors.”

Within the ProSIX community, firms can flag malicious activity for other members, debate defensive tools and methods, connect directly with compromised vendors, and gain insight from the work of ProSIX intelligence analysts researching and disseminating the latest security threats. ProSIX also helps reduce third-party risk and builds a resilient ecosystem by offering inclusion of members’ vendors and suppliers through its partner community, the Business Resilience Council.

“As we work together in ProSIX and among the other communities in the GRF network we make it more difficult for threat actors to operate, disincentivizing criminal activity,” added Orsi. “Brian’s knowledge and experience will strengthen the ability of ProSIX and its peers to achieve this mission.”


About GRF

Global Resilience Federation (GRF) is a nonprofit creator and operator of threat information sharing communities. It serves as a hub and integrator for support, analysis, and cross-sector intelligence exchange among information sharing and analysis centers (ISACs), organizations (ISAOs), and computer emergency readiness/response teams (CERTs). GRF’s mission is to help assure the resilience of critical and essential infrastructure against threats that could significantly impact the orderly functioning of the global economy and general safety of the public. Learn more about GRF by visiting You may also visit @GRFederation on Twitter or Global Resilience Federation on LinkedIn.

About ProSIX

Professional Services Information Exchange is a forum for companies to share cyber, systems vulnerability, and supply chain security information to protect their business, their employees, their customers and their data. Eligible members include consulting, accounting and engineering organizations, among others. Find more information at or by visiting Professional Services Information Exchange on LinkedIn or @ProServInfoExch on Twitter.

Media inquiries may be directed to Patrick McGlone at

Pat McGlone